Sunday 28 July 2013

Yesterday was very exiting!

Yesterday afternoon was a Little bit to exiting. There was a single thunderstorm cell just beside my House. Then just suddenly a flash and within 0,5 second thunder.That is Close. I was looking for eventually any forest fire when next happened.
I Heard a Sharp "Crack" from my lighting arrestor at my 160/80 m GP, And within a fraction of a second flash and thunder. And it was so loud that I momentarily lost hearing. And then after about 5 second the same happened again. And after 8 more seconds a third event with flash and thunder at the same time. Puh! If you have heard a 15 cm Haubits go off then you are Close to the sound I expired 3 times within 13 seconds. All the damaged I found was one of my potable phones that was now in orbit. I had to sweep up the pieces from the floor. But all of my gear and antennas was OK!!! Might have to by a lottery ticket.

Now for some more pleasant things. Got the following QSL via buro. First out was H40FN from Temotu.

Second was from Guinea.Bissau J5NAR.

So you can get rare ones via buro as well as direct.

PLS no More Close in Thunder.


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