Thursday 2 January 2014

IOTA programme dead or alive?

I have spent a lot of $$$ and €€€ to get QSL from different IOTA expeditions. I have been using SAE with $ £ €. But the replay rate is very low. OK, theft of SAE in some countries so use OQRS. Well I've done that as well. I have supplied lots of $ £ € via Pay-Pal. But the replay rate is almost the same. So what's the point in continue supplying $ £ € to a lot of hams all over the World and get nothing back?
There are exceptions. K6VVA and VK5CE reply very fast. But the last effort as VK5CE/4 has not show up yet.
DXCC is not a big problem. Here we have LoTW. And most of the DXpeditions load up after finished the operation. But it is a different story with IOTA. RSGB demand a paper QSL. And as long as RSGB can't come up with another way of getting islands confirmed we are stuck with the paper QSL. And operators need to understand that every January an update is done to RSGB. And this is done only once a year. So if you will get QSL after January you have to wait a year to get the IOTA confirmed into your credit. This is to slow system.
Why can't RSGB use the IOTA Contest computer system to upload log and in this way get hits and confirmation. Works fine during IOTA contest??!!
Well I will quit supplying $ £ € to individuals operating from rare IOTA's and from 2014 I will only send out QSL requests via buro. And if I will get a reply I will See this as a bonus. It will take to long time to get the Awards I need any way as response time is so slow. For example where is the QSL from HP0INT/3/2/9/4. QSL request was sent 19 September. I have not received any card so far. Hope they will show up Before the annual update. I believe it when I see them in my mail box.

No Picture this time as I'm a Little p----d off. I'm a retired guy and I will save my Money for better purpose than supplying individuals that never or seldom send anything back.

Now I will get a cup of coffee to slow me down a bit.

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