Wednesday 11 September 2013

Incident on RTTY on 20 m!!??

I was lsn around the RTTY part of 20 m today and found for me a new prefix. It was OO8ON that was Calling CQ on 20 m. Fine I thought. Nice with a new prefix. He was calling CQ and no takers. So I gave him a call and all hell broke loose! He started to accuse me for trying to take his QRG? But hello! I was trying to get a QSO with you. Called him agn with the same result and I QSY:ed away and worked some other stations.
Then I saw a spot on cluster where this ham ON8ON accused me for breaking the DX code of conduct. All this shit for trying to get a QSO with him. Well I do not need any ON in my log as I have it confirmed from 160 to 6 m.

So I'm very sorry for trying to have a QSO with You ON8ON with call OO8ON. I will never call you again ever. And if I hear you I will for sure QSY and not cause any QRM for you when you are calling CQ! And if, for some reason You will try to call me. Don't even Think about it as you will not get an answer.

So a lot of fun happen on the ham bands as you all can see. But I will stick to CW for a long time now.

But for the rest of the day I worked some stations on RY and most of them are new for me. It was EI4KF, A41OO, TM35CDXC and EA6/I1RSA. And one funny thing was that none of these stations did mind that I was Calling them. They even sent me a "73" and at least one gave me a "GL" after the QSO and no mean spots on the cluster either. Strange, or..............?

Now I will start lsn for HP0INT/2 from NA-202.

Thanks to you all and CUL

1 comment:

  1. Some people are just sick. Just continue having fun like you get most of the time, and don't even try to understand troubles on others operator's mind :)

    73's and thanks for your nice blog

    Cédric / F5UKW
