Take lesson all other IOTA operators!? I'm now at the sum of 298 ( ! ) confirmed islands. WOW!
If you see some traces of sarcasm in this you are correct. But not against YB4IR. He is a super QSL:er. The sarcasm is to all other out there. I still have 30 QLS's on order via Buro and direct and OQRS. Nothing so far. But I will keep on checking my mail box every day as long as I can transport myself the 200 meters to it!!!!
Something fun. I was having an exam as a brakeman on the museum train yesterday. And I'm now an approved certified brakeman! Reason for the use of a brakeman is that the small steam Engine has just locomotive brake and nothing on the carriage's. So I actually stops the whole train at stations with a hand brake. So it is nice to be able to stop 45 to 50 tonnes within a few yards!!
Here you have a Picture of the train from Internet.
That's all for now. CUL
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