Monday 28 May 2018

160 m DXCC Award marked OK in LoTW!

Yes! My DXCC diploma is marked in LoTW and in the mail on way to moi!! And also 2000 challenge and sticker for my 5BDXCC (now 9BDXCC).

I have been working as a Foreman for heating the steam engine and loading coal.
And on Sunday I had to work as a fire Watch running a diesel train approx 5 minutes behind with a tank waggon loaded with a lot of water in case of a fire due to sparks from the steam Engine. We have had no rain since end of April and fire hazard is the highest what we have on the scale according the weather guys. And it is 5E. E stands for "extreme".

Here are Pictures during pre heat on Saturday afternoon.

Pressure is Rising. We can start to move the train at 7 to 8 Kg pressure and also start the injectors to work.

And on Sunday when I was on fire guard we had the train pulling 6 passenger waggons and 1 cargo waggon. Passengers was students celebrating end of term and more than 400 was taken out to Lenna for breakfast. And here are a picture pulling out from Uppsala with almost full throttle!!!

Picture taken with my iphone from the diesel train. And we did not create any forest fire!!!

Back to radio.  CUL

Thursday 17 May 2018

160 m DXCC Award OK in LoTW!

My application for DXCC 160 has been approved and is OK in LoTW. DXCC Award report is correct and I also have 2006 for my Challenge Award and I'm also holder of 9BDXCC. Now it is time to wait for the items to arrive in my mail box. Meanwhile I have been out playing with steam trains.


This is the small Engine we have operational. It is from 1898 and in mint condition. And I was working as brake instructor.

Back to  radio. CUL

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Wow! How did this happened?

Got an SMS from a friend and it stated that I was No: 1 in SM, No: 21 in EU and 22 in the World!!??
In what you might ask. Well, it was in 2017 CQWWDX CW contest 160 m.
And here is the proof!

Amazing!!!! I have been struggling to get 100 for a DXCC Award. And hopefully it will land in my mail box soon!!

Time of wonder is not over yet!!!


First time under full pressure and some new IOTA

This weekend we had both Engines under full pressure. And we performed some short test runs. No major leaks and we filled them both with coal. So we are ready for the summer traffic. And here are proof!

Picture taken with my I-phone.

In between all the work with the steam Engines I have managed to work H40D from OC-179 and C96RRC from AF-088. Both are new for me. But I can tell you that H40D was week and he must have very good ears. Amazing. Quite a big pile on both of them.

Now I have to do some maintenance on my DR-650 bike. I have to check and adjust the valve clearance. To do that I have to remove frame covers, seat and fuel tank. I'm tired Before I have started.