Monday 14 May 2012

QSL arrived today!

During the present on-going operation from 6O0CW the February operation from Somalia arrived. It was 6O3A that I worked on just 3 band slots and on CW only. 30, 17 and 15 m band was worked. But the QSL states Somaliland. But I hope this is OKfor DXCC.

Due to my damaged thumb I finally got the time to install and program MMTTY. My first QSO's on RTTY was 7O6T on 17 m and 6O0CW on 12 m. 6O0CW has a direct on-line log so I could check out that I was in the log on RY jus a few minutes after our QSO.

I had a two day prodject to cut the lawn. And this morning I finished off the last part of the lawn. Normally this is a 3 hr task. But as I only is able to use just one fully functional arm it was a two day job. Try to start a lawnmover with one hand for your self. Then you all understand my problem.

Take care all of you readers out there. See you soon!

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